How I Finally Got Some Rest: Catching Zzzzzz’s

How I Finally Got Some Rest: Catching Zzzzzz’s

Sleep has always been one of my favorite things, but perimenopause had other ideas. Between night sweats and just general restlessness, I was starting to feel like a sleep-deprived zombie. But I’ve found a few tricks that have helped me reclaim my nights—and I’m sharing them with you in hopes they can help you too.

Cooling Pillows: Because Who Has Time for Night Sweats?

Night sweats are one of those lovely gifts from perimenopause that no one really tells you about until you’re waking up drenched. I realized pretty quickly that my regular pillow wasn’t cutting it anymore, so I upgraded to something a little more high-tech.

  • What Changed the Game: Cooling pillows are my new best friends. These pillows are designed to regulate temperature and keep me cool throughout the night. It’s a small change, but it’s made a huge difference in how well I sleep—and how many times I’m not waking up to flip the pillow to the cool side.

Supplements for Sleep: A Little Extra Help

As much as I try to stick to a good sleep routine, sometimes I need a little extra help to wind down and actually stay asleep. I’ve turned to natural supplements that don’t leave me feeling groggy the next morning but help me get the rest I need.

  • My Go-To: I’ve been using sleep supplements like melatonin or magnesium before bed. They’re gentle but effective, helping me drift off more easily and stay asleep longer. It’s like a little nudge in the right direction when my mind is racing at 3 a.m.

Breathable Pajamas: Staying Cool and Comfortable

I never used to think much about what I wore to bed, but during perimenopause, it’s become a crucial part of my sleep strategy. Breathable, moisture-wicking pajamas have been a game changer for keeping me comfortable all night long.

  • My New Bedtime Routine: Investing in breathable pajamas has made all the difference. These PJs are designed to wick away moisture and keep me cool, which is exactly what I need to combat those pesky night sweats. Plus, they’re super soft and comfy—what’s not to love?

Creating a Calming Environment: The Power of Aromatherapy

I’ve also found that creating a calm, soothing environment helps me unwind and get ready for sleep. Aromatherapy has become a key part of my nightly routine, helping to set the mood for a good night’s rest.

  • My Bedtime Ritual: I use an aromatherapy diffuser with calming essential oils like lavender or chamomile. The gentle scent fills the room and helps me relax, making it easier to drift off into dreamland. It’s a simple addition to my routine that I look forward to every night.
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